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What is banger games?

“Banger Games,” a multinational blockchain project, aims to serve as a platform where “gamers will have opportunities to monetize their time spent on the platform.” Here, gamers can “...compete, challenge themselves, trade and enjoy their gaming experience to its fullest…” as quoted on their litepaper.

What is beatbanger?

What is BeatBanger? Beat Banger is a simple NSFW rhythm game created using the Godot Engine. This is BunFan Games' first ever released project. Where is gallery mode and auto-play?

What is banger racing?

Born in the 1970s and mostly popular in the UK, Ireland, Belgium and the Netherlands, the sport involves driving salvaged cars around oval-shaped tracks while other competitors try to sabotage you with wildly dangerous crashes. One of these tracks was built in the unassuming village of Warneton, western Belgium, by a community of banger fans.

What does the word 'netbanger' mean?

The word 'netbanger' is formed from two nouns: 'net' + 'banger'. The 'net' part is simply a shortened version of the word Internet. 'Banger' is a noun that literally means someone or something that makes a bang. Its precise and intended meaning is actually derived from the Icelandic word, banga, meaning 'to hammer'.

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